Suzie's Garden
This morning, I finally took the plunge. I went to Wal-Mart, chose a few seed packets, bought some flower pots described as "so cute" by the cashier, who also loved my "sturdy grocery bags." I love them too, they actually stand up on their own. Thanks Schnuck's! I threw some potting soil in the cart and headed home to begin my small yet momentous adventure in gardening. As all good gardeners know, you need gravel in the bottom of your pots to allow water to drain. I headed across the street in my worn out shorts and t-shirt to steal some rocks. While digging through the dirt with my deepest of violets manicure, I wondered what the cars driving by must have thought I was doing. I proudly carried my bucket of rocks back to the apartment to begin planting. I added my potting soil, fighting off the dog the entire time. He was under the impression that I had brought home a snack for him. I carefully dug small holes in each pot, poured the seeds in, and gently patted dirt on top, saying little blessings for each one. I filled the teapot and went to give each one it's first dose of water, wondering the entire time if I was under or over watering. Hopefully within the next few weeks our dinners will be filled with the fresh flavors of parsley, thyme, basil, and cherry tomatoes. Don't worry, the manicure is still intact.

Do you know if NOT putting rocks in bottom is bad?!?! My mom had told me to put a large rock in our planter, but I couldn't find one around the house... So impatient me, I planted the flowers anyway. Hopefully, they'll be okay!