My grandmother, like every good Southerner, is full of superstitions. Throw salt over your shoulder for luck, if your right hand itches you'll meet someone new, always plant by the signs. New Year's day is no exception. Before wishing us a happy new year she asks 3 crucial questions: 1.) Did you eat your black-eyed peas? 2.) Did you eat something green? (preferably cabbage) 3.) Did you do laundry? In case you aren't familiar with all of these, let me explain... Black-eyed peas, I'm sure you are well aware, are for luck. Something green is for money, and if you do laundry on new year's day, according to Mother, you will be doing laundry for a sick person that year. In the Drake house, our plates were full with black-eyed peas, Brussel's sprouts, and hoe cakes. Alex has accused me of "voodoo" for joining in such festivities, but good luck or not, family traditions always make you feel more at home. I'm looking forward to new recipes (and old) this year, and I hope you find yourself more frequently in the kitchen this year. Happy new year, and happy cooking!
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