Planning and a Birthday

Cooked dried beans ready to hit the freezer. 
Birthday card from grandparents
This week's dinners were easy easy thanks to a little planning over the weekend.  I've only been to Kroger once this week (ONCE!) and considering that it's Thursday, that's pretty amazing!  Unheard of!   Monday I made fried pork chops, macaroni and cheese, and roasted carrots.  Tuesday: leftovers.  Wednesday: Tilapia cakes with kale salad.  Thursday: Mexican Chicken Soup (thank you crock pot!) with rice.  Friday:  My sweetie gives me the night off and takes me out to dinner :)  And that's the week!  I forget how time saving planning ahead can be until I neglect it for awhile, then get back on track and realize just how much time I am spending at the grocery store.  I was able to hit the gym everyday so far, which puts me in a better mood and makes me much easier to live with (you're welcome husband!).  I'm very happy to see the sun out today, but it's still very chilly.  What a tease.  My favorite furry friend turned 5 today, ahh!  I can't believe we've had Luie for 5 years.  Mom and Dad sent him a birthday card of course.  One rotten granddog for sure.  But we love the big guy!  Happy Friday Eve, have a great weekend!


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