Meal Planning That Works

It's confession time. I struggle with meal planning.  I'm pretty terrible at it.  My husband eats McDonalds more nights a week than I care to admit, while I eat the baby's leftovers and call it a night.  It's embarrassing!  But this month I tried something new, and 2 weeks in it's actually working. I sat down one day while J took a nap (and it took the entire 2 hour nap) and planned out our meals for an entire month, everything including breakfast, dinner and snacks.  That's not to say that I did all the grocery shopping for the month (NO!!!).  I have written all of our meals and snack in for each day on a calendar, and I do my grocery shopping on Saturday or Sunday for the week based on that.  It's working out great, and it's such a relief to not have to think about it every single weekend!  Find what works for you!  Here's a link to the blog that inspired me to try this new strategy.


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