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Pinterest Protest

Pinterest is making us all crazy.   "30 days to teaching your 3 year old fluent French,"  "21 days to sculpted triceps," "How to make your home look like Joanna Gaines."  It's like a magazine cover that never ends. So when it came to planning the boys' first real birthday party, of course I went straight to Pinterest.   I agonized over a theme.  Where The Wild Things Are?  Where can I get a wolf suite for a one year old?  Maybe he would like trains better?  Or construction equipment?  Is $75 too much to pay for a birthday cake?  How many people should we invite?  If I invited all the kids we know that would be about 45 people... too many?  Don't they need matching birthday shirts? S T O P the madness. Have mercy. Listen girls, this is nuts.  They are kids.  My children got $700 worth of toys for Christmas, and that's a conservative estimate.  Guess what their favorite toys are today?  The nose sucker we ...

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