
In case you were wondering why I haven't been posting much lately, it's because of this...
Baby Drake says hi!
Such a tiny bundle can reek such havoc.  Almost constant nausea, exhaustion ( the best way I can describe this is feeling like you just finished a marathon while having mono), waking up in the middle of the night (EVERY night) to pee, smelling everything, everything that you smell triggering your gag reflex... and on and on and on.  Needless to say, this prego ego is not in a position to be at the stove ( or really anywhere but the couch), which means lots of sandwiches, Wendy's, pizza, and other unhealthy decisions.  Honestly I lived off of french fries for 2 or 3 weeks.  And who cares about alcohol, I miss coffee! 
A (blurry) picture of a few of the girls when I told them the news.  Kodak moment.  Today was our second OB appointment, and I heard the baby's heartbeat!  What a lovely sound!  Some unexpected things while expecting: round ligament pain.  It feels like someone is playing tug of war with my tummy muscles.  I can't leave the house without ice cold water, I always feel like I'm dying of thirst.  My food aversions are nuts, things that I used to love I can't even look at anymore (all vegetables except potatoes).  I cry at everything.  Everything!  Things that aren't sad!  I'm a roller coaster.  Yesterday Alex told me "You know Luie probably thinks you're bipolar."  Speaking of the furry first born, he is attached to my hip all the time (more than usual).  He falls asleep on the floor beside the couch, and whenever I leave the room he's right behind me.  Sweet big brother.  So now you know the cause of my blog hiatus!  Hope you're not disappointed if my next post is about making baby food...


  1. Yay Suz! Keep us updated. I refused to not smile in that picture because I'm so excited for you! :-)


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